


Opening: Course

A warm welcome to the opening of the exhibition Course on June 13th from 5 pm - 7 pm.

The exhibition if a part of the Reykjavík Arts Festival program for 2024.

Artists: Aki Onda,  Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir, Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir, Logi Leó Gunnarsson


Sunna Ástþórsdóttir

Þorsteinn Eyfjörð

COURSE is presented as a possible answer to the paradox of “exhibiting sound” and simultaneously becomes a game or a puzzle. How can we create an exhibition that primarily appeals to the ears? The question is marked by a certain impossibility since sound and image live in a loop. The question poses a simple exercise that defines the framework of the exhibition, and involves examining sound based on its intrinsic and material qualities. When sound is allowed to purely be sound, its connections to our memories and other places become clearer and more tangible. We begin to physically sense it, we are transported by it, we travel with it through soundscapes.

The works in the exhibition all start with sound and from there they head in different directions. Sound is released into the air as a floating sculpture that transforms on the run. Reading in silence evokes memories which in turn evokes sounds that aren't there. We hear a breath; One that, if given the right instruments, becomes music—without them, a starting point. The sound of one simple push, repeated over and over gives an idea of ​​space, time and the sense of direction. Audio recordings from a whole year, every single day of 2012, explore how sound is related to memories, time and active listening. Simply hearing something and really listening for something is not one and the same—when we open our ears we hear no silence.

Photo: still from the work without title. 2024, Logi Leó Gunnarsson

A warm welcome to the opening of the exhibition Course on June 13th from 5 pm - 7 pm.

The exhibition if a part of the Reykjavík Arts Festival program for 2024.

Artists: Aki Onda,  Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir, Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir, Logi Leó Gunnarsson


Sunna Ástþórsdóttir

Þorsteinn Eyfjörð

COURSE is presented as a possible answer to the paradox of “exhibiting sound” and simultaneously becomes a game or a puzzle. How can we create an exhibition that primarily appeals to the ears? The question is marked by a certain impossibility since sound and image live in a loop. The question poses a simple exercise that defines the framework of the exhibition, and involves examining sound based on its intrinsic and material qualities. When sound is allowed to purely be sound, its connections to our memories and other places become clearer and more tangible. We begin to physically sense it, we are transported by it, we travel with it through soundscapes.

The works in the exhibition all start with sound and from there they head in different directions. Sound is released into the air as a floating sculpture that transforms on the run. Reading in silence evokes memories which in turn evokes sounds that aren't there. We hear a breath; One that, if given the right instruments, becomes music—without them, a starting point. The sound of one simple push, repeated over and over gives an idea of ​​space, time and the sense of direction. Audio recordings from a whole year, every single day of 2012, explore how sound is related to memories, time and active listening. Simply hearing something and really listening for something is not one and the same—when we open our ears we hear no silence.

Photo: still from the work without title. 2024, Logi Leó Gunnarsson